Cholesterol, you all must have heard of this term many times.
what is it?
How it affects our body? , Is this good or bad?,there are so many questions that arises when we hear of this word.
Today i will answer all your questions about this and will guide you to reduce its amount in our blood.So,
you must have heard of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.what are they?
Your blood carries cholesterol around your body on
proteins known as high density lipoproteins (HDL)
or ‘good cholesterol’, and low density lipoproteins
(LDL) – ‘bad cholesterol’. Too much LDL cholesterol
and too little HDL cholesterol in the blood are linked
to a process which causes blood vessels to become
narrowed or blocked.
Raised LDL levels are a
significant risk factor for heart attacks chest pain , narrowing of the
blood vessels in the legs and stroke – as a group these are called cardio
vascular disease (CVD).
However, raised LDL cholesterol is only one of the risk factors for CVD. Other factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, poor fitness or a strong family history of early heart disease all affect your risk.
Saturated fat One cause of raised LDL cholesterol is a diet high in saturated fat .When you eat saturated fat it is converted into blood cholesterol by the liver. Saturated fat also slows down how quickly cholesterol is removed from your body. Cutting down on saturated fat in the diet and replacing it with unsaturated fats is an effective way of reducing blood cholesterol.
The maximum recommended amount for saturated fat intake is no more than 20g per day for women and no more than 30g per day for men.
However, raised LDL cholesterol is only one of the risk factors for CVD. Other factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, poor fitness or a strong family history of early heart disease all affect your risk.
Saturated fat One cause of raised LDL cholesterol is a diet high in saturated fat .When you eat saturated fat it is converted into blood cholesterol by the liver. Saturated fat also slows down how quickly cholesterol is removed from your body. Cutting down on saturated fat in the diet and replacing it with unsaturated fats is an effective way of reducing blood cholesterol.
The maximum recommended amount for saturated fat intake is no more than 20g per day for women and no more than 30g per day for men.
Main sources of dietary fats:
- Saturated fat ( bad cholesterol): Full-fat dairy products; meat and meat products such as pastries, sausages and pies; biscuits, cakes and pastries; savoury snacks; chocolate; butter, ghee; and coconut and palm oils.
- Unsaturated fat (good cholesterol):
Top tips for reducing saturated
- Look for hidden saturated fat in cakes, biscuits, pastries and ready meals.
- Compare labels and choose products that are lower in saturated fat.
- Foods are high in saturated fat if they contain more than 5g of saturates per 100g. Foods containing 1.5g or less per 100g are low in saturated fat.
- Some foods promoted as low in fat are often high in sugar. A high sugar intake from refined carbohydrates can also affect blood lipid levels by lowering HDL – the good cholesterol. Such foods are low-fat or diet yoghurts and sugary breakfast
Eat less:
- Cream or cheese sauces.
- Fatty meat products such as mutton,pork ,ham,saucages, red meat.
- Full fat cream,cheese,yoghurt.
- Butter, ghee,etc.
Preferable choices:
- Vegetable based saucages
- Low fat, skimmed,tonned or double tonned milk, curd.
- Grill or dry fry; use vegetable oils, margarines and low fat spreads with a low saturated fat content like olive, sunflower, soya or rapeseed (often called blended vegetable oil).
Blood cholesterol lowering food
Soluble fibre is a type of dietary fibre which dissolves
in water in the gut to form a gel. This in turn soaks up
cholesterol like a sponge and carries it out of the body
where it cannot do any damage.
Oats and oat bran; linseeds (flaxseeds); barley; fruit and vegetables; and vegetable proteins all contain soluble fibre.
Vegetable proteins are non-meat sources such as nuts; beans; and pulses which include peas, soya, lentils and chickpeas. Try to include these foods regularly in your diet as a source of lower fat protein in recipes.
Try to eat at least five different portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh, frozen, juice or smoothies, canned and dried fruit and vegetables all count.
About Dt. Vaishali Gaur
After her Graduation in Nutrision and Post Graduation in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition from the prestigious Lady Irwin College, She worked in Max Balaji Hospital , Pushpanjali Hospital and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital.
For Inquiries please contact :
Oats and oat bran; linseeds (flaxseeds); barley; fruit and vegetables; and vegetable proteins all contain soluble fibre.
Vegetable proteins are non-meat sources such as nuts; beans; and pulses which include peas, soya, lentils and chickpeas. Try to include these foods regularly in your diet as a source of lower fat protein in recipes.
Try to eat at least five different portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh, frozen, juice or smoothies, canned and dried fruit and vegetables all count.
About Dt. Vaishali Gaur
After her Graduation in Nutrision and Post Graduation in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition from the prestigious Lady Irwin College, She worked in Max Balaji Hospital , Pushpanjali Hospital and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital.
For Inquiries please contact :
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